Key Info & Policies
Items to be provided by parents
Parents need to make sure they provide a spare set of clothing for their child, making sure it is appropriate to the season.
If a child is being toilet trained, parents need to provide enough pants, socks, tracksuit bottoms and a spare pair of shoes.
Children are involved in activities throughout the day, some of these activities may include messy or wet play and it is the responsibility of the parents to provide sufficient change of clothing for their child.
If children are ill or suffering from
All belongings must be marked with your child’s name. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Coats, hats and scarves should be hung on hooks provided.
Parents are asked to refrain from putting belts and buckles on their children’s clothing as they may find it difficult to use the toilet.
Admissions Policy
Waiting List.
The waiting lists shall be maintained and kept in order of date of application. Should a vacancy occur, it should be filled from the first suitable family on the waiting
Enrolment procedure.
When a parent is looking for a place in the crèche, a booking form is forwarded on to the family to be filled in. Only when this form is returned and filled in completely will the child’s name be added to the waiting list. Places will be offered according to availability in the required room and in accordance with
Key Worker
Each child is assigned a key member of staff when joining the nursery. This staff member will introduce themselves and will take responsibility for getting to know you and your child and help them settle in. The key person list is on display in the nursery rooms. You can speak to
Food Safety Policy
Our nursery provides healthy, well balanced nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day to compliment the food children enjoy at home.
We follow nutritional guidance to produce menus for all seasons and include styles of cooking to embrace the cultures of the families associated with our nurseries.
Many child and parent suggestions are included in our menus, with a vegetarian option available at all meal and snack times. We cater for all special diets, working closely with parents to ensure we meet their child’s individual needs.
All meals are prepared by experienced cooks who use locally sourced fresh ingredients and delicious recipes.
Snack times see the children often sitting with their Key Person who encourage them to develop the social and personal skills associated with dining, whilst snacks are prepared with the children providing the chance for them to learn about food and healthy eating first hand.
Water Bottles
It is essential that your child is well hydrated throughout the day and is able to access water at any point. We provide water cups for the children which, they can drink from at any time or alternatively your child can bring their water bottle in to drink from.
Dietary information
Staff are more than happy to discuss with you any requirements, which your child may have. You need to make us aware of any allergies and dietary requirements which affect your child at the induction meeting.
Confidentiality Policy
It is the crèche’s policy not to discuss any details of any child or family outside the crèche. Confidential information is only to be shared with staff members that need the information in order to perform their job effectively. Confidentiality must be maintained at all times by staff members.
The following procedures will be followed by staff in order to maintain confidentiality:
* Information provided by parents will only be used/shared with professional bodies, such as Bradford Council for
* All staff are advised of the confidentiality policy in their employment contract.
* Parents have the right to access their own child’s files and records, but will not have the right to access information about any other child.
* Any complaints or discipline shall be kept confidential.
* Information given by parents should only be told to those professionals that need the information.
Exclusion of Sick Children Policy
If a child has a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees
If a child has a contagious illness it is best to keep the child away from
Any child suffering from a doubtful rash, sore, discharge from the eyes or nose, sickness or diarrhoea or high temperature, should be kept at home until a doctor has verified that the symptoms have disappeared.
A Doctor’s note is required on return to the nursery. Should a child become sick at the Nursery, every effort will be made to contact the parents. A child illness report will be filled in and the child will need to be
Medicines are not administered at the nursery unless prescribed by the General Practitioner. The child has to be kept home for 24 hours if he or she has been prescribed medication by the doctor. The child’s guardian is to complete written instructions for the medication, dose and timings required.
In case of
We ask you to please inform us of any accidents that your child may have outside the Nursery. We shall also notify you of any accident your child may have whilst at the Nursery. You are required to sign the Accident form after the information has been passed on to you.
Behaviour Policy for Children
At Tiny Tots, we will not display physical punishment at any time, and we will not remove a child from the room if they misbehave. Staff will not make any negative comments or raise their voice at any child; staff will remain calm and stay in control at all times.
The following procedures will be demonstrated by staff in order to deal with challenging behaviour:
* Staff will keep the child calm
* They will distract the child
* The staff will listen to the child with full concentration
All serious behavioural incidents will be reported to the parents. If parents feel they need to discuss the matter with the manager, they are welcome to approach the manager in confidence.
Accidents & Injuries Policy
If a child has had an accident at the crèche, all details will be recorded in the accident record book. Once the accident has been recorded, parents are asked to read the record and sign it. This record is then kept on the child’s file in accordance with childcare regulations.
If a child has had a serious accident at the crèche and they need hospital treatment, their parents will be contacted immediately and asked to come to the crèche. If staff are not able to get in contact with the parent/carers then a member of staff will take the child and their details to the nearest children’s hospital.
Please also see our sickness and exclusions policy above.
Complaints Procedure
If you have a complaint about the service that the Nursery provides, please discuss it with the staff or the manager. We will look into it and work out an acceptable solution with you.
If you feel that we have not satisfactorily dealt with any issue, we shall investigate all complaints in detail and endeavour to reach a satisfactory solution in the best interest of the children under our care. Alternatively, if you feel unable to approach us, you may contact OFSTED. We also have a detailed Complaints Procedure in our Operations Manual. Should you require a copy.
There will be an annual outing to which all the children, siblings and parents will be invited. Details of the event will be confirmed nearer the time.
Through the week children are taken to the library, shops, city park or any other relevant place they may be ‘studying’ for their weekly projects. All parents should sign an Outings Consent form when they confirm their child’s place at the Nursery.
What our families are saying